Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The new literacy

We had to read these following articles for class as an assignment:

"The new literacy"

I find it interesting and can relate to where the author goes into the usage of considerably new acronyms which have developed in the last 10 to 15 years or so through online communication.
I even find myself replacing "u" with "you" and such when I'm engaging in some sort of online communication and I think this has slowly been leading towards less grammar knowledge steadily throughout these years as I think the vast majority of younger people communicating online use very limited english thus subconsciously adapting to that way of writing.
Although Lundford noted that the Standford students had ways to adapt to different audiences in their writing then I think it should be noted as well that those are stanford students,young academic people are not a huge percecntage of those participating in online communcations daily in the world. That's about the only thing in the above article I found of much interest.